Explore profound insights into our platforms, find help, and explore best practices for observing your products exactly as needed. Here you can find everything about Dash0.
In this documentation
In this section you will get a quick overview of the background of Dash0 and the structure of this documentation.
Get started
Here you find everything to get started with Dash0. From sign-up over sending data to getting information about the initial views in Dash0.
Key Concepts
Dash0 is built on a consistent and unified concept that ensures a seamless and intuitive experience across all its features.
Resources are one essential building block of Dash0.
Dash0's Tracing view provides an excellent overview of all spans and simplifies analyzing issues based on span information.
Dash0's Logging view shows all your log data and is an easy entry point when investigating an issue based on log records.The graphs provide powerful high-level views, and the filtering capabilities allow you to find what you are looking for easily. The provided context will enable you to extend filters quickly or immediately jump to a different view, allowing you to analyze an issue from a different angle.
One of the key signals of Observability is metrics. Find out how Dash0 allows you to quickly navigate through your metrics and use them in alerts and dashboards.
Have one observability platform for all your signals enables you to build flexible and powerful alerts. Find out more in this section.
One of Dash0 design principles is having a clean UI that allows quick navigation using context. Sometimes very specific views based on user or use-case requirements are necessary. Dashboards allow you to tailor your view on your Observability information.
Dash0 Kubernetes Operator
For monitoring your Kubernetes cluster and workloads there is no faster and easier way than using Dash0's Kubernetes Operator. Build on open standards and tailored for the optimal user experience.
Should you have further questions that have not been answers, this is the section to look at.
Quotas and Limits
Limits and quotas for sending data to and querying data from Dash0.
Recent blog posts
What is the difference between being OpenTelemetry-native and integrating OpenTelemetry?
, Mirko Novakovic, Ben Blackmore
Introducing Dash0 BETA: Observability, Simplified. Powered by OpenTelemetry.
, Mirko Novakovic
Observability cost out of control
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OpenTelemetry-native: The future of Observability
, Mirko Novakovic, Michele Mancioppi, Ben Blackmore
Dash0 - We make Observability easy for every developer.
, Mirko Novakovic